Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Hi all,

I have been so busy with life that i have not blogged in a while. I had a break this weekend though. My family and i went out of town for the weekend. Our friends invited us over for a program in their Church (African praise) and it was awesome. It brought back happy thoughts about Naija. I really miss home. The main artist featured at the event was Wale Adenuga. He is a gospel singer and he is incredible. We danced so hard are feet ached. I really needed that break.

On Sunday we went to our host's church. After the service there was a birthday party for a little girl. We all had to be in a hall that was crowed with toddlers running around. I am what you could call a "worrier" when it comes to the safety of my kids. I believe when it comes to kids, one can't be too careful. I was fretting all through the party making sure my kids don't collide with other kids or fall and smash their heads on the concrete floor. I guess my behaviour seemed somewhat obnoxious to my friend coz she told me to relax that i worry too much after all she too had a son running around.

Anyway, i tried to ignore but when i remembered the nine months of pregnancy and the arduousness of labour i immediately switch back to worry mode. I had to explain to my friend that i watch lots of crime shows so i know how fast a child can go missing. It takes less than 2 minutes actually. The world is full of perverse people that would do heinous things to little children so i would rather be an over protective mum than be sorry.

I pray that as parents we don't experience the pain of losing a child due avoidable mistakes. I am not a perfect mum but what i know for sure is as a parent, i can't be too careful. May God help us.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Hi all,

Hope you all have been well. I have been nursing my boy back to good health and i am so happy he is OK now.

I am sure all you Oprah fans have heard about her current book club selection - A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. I finally got a copy 2 weeks ago and believe me when i say it's been life changing. I am barely in the 3rd chapter(coz i am taking my time to get the message) and already i am captivated by the essence of this book.

Just a few chapters into this book has completely transformed the way i perceive myself and my purpose on this earth. This book exposes the intricate nature of the ego and its control over our being. I now acknowledge that most of us inadvertently live an ostentatious life. We are so consumed about how the world perceives us. We obsess so much about our weight, skin, hair, houses,cars,careers, e.t.c. that we forget the true purpose of our lives. We pay too much attention to our flesh.

I have never considered myself as ostentatious but reading this book has made me realise that i am. I have pondered on some major and even trivial decisions i have made and realised that most of them were made to impress other people. Some of these decisions were also made based on how the world would perceive me. This was a pivotal realisation for me coz i now know that i have basically done nothing for me. I have really not fulfilled my own desires or purpose but those of others.

I have not finished reading A new Earth but what i know for sure is henceforth, i would think of my well being - spiritually,emotionally and mentally in what ever decision i make. I matter and my ego aside, i will do what is right for me.

I recommend this book for all. Right now, my priorities are in order. I know what is important and i have made up my mind never to lie to myself, worry about things i can't change, and accept and manage the vicissitude of life.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Hi all,

I am so unhappy today. I mentioned earlier that my hubby and son are away for a wedding. It turns out that my son is ill right now. He has an infection in his throat and has loss of appetite. I feel so helpless coz i am not there to hold and comfort him. I never really felt comfortable about my son being away from me for so long but i just decided to let go.

Men don't understand that children(especially at a very young age) need their mothers. I am so crestfallen and mad at myself for not following my motherly instinct and insisting that they come home earlier.

Our instinct is God given and i think it should guide us in making good decisions. I usually am one to succumb to it but i don't know why i slacked this time. I just can't wait to see my baby.

We learn everyday and what i have taken from this experience is to follow my instinct and always look out for my children first before satisfying any other desire.


Friday, April 4, 2008


Hi all,

My hubby and son have been out of town for a wedding and i have been miserable. I call them every other hour to check up on my son. I really miss him. I thought i would have some peace at home since one of my kids is not home but this has apparently made my daughter more restless. She has no one to fight or play with so she is just all over the place and making me so miserable.

She is 2 and that age is tagged "terrible 2s". I think the word terrible is an understatement coz my daughter is beyond that. I have never come across a child with so much energy. She doesn't walk she runs. She is a climber, a cry baby, a little bully, you name it. The girl is just too animated. Sometimes its so cute to see her all about but it can be overbearing.

Experts have described this stage as one of the most difficult and i agree. I try to indulge her in games, books, etc but her attention span is like 30 secs. The only thing that will keep her seated for 15minutes is her favourite show Dora the explorer. I have tons of episodes recorded for her but i feel so guilty that she is watching so much TV.

My baby girl is so so cute but when she starts throwing her numerous tantrums i barely see the cuteness. I can't wait for her to out grow this stage. It is so hard to keep up with her. Meal times are the most arduous for me. She barely eats so i practically have to force her. The only thing she likes ironically is pounded yam but i can't give her that all the time.

On a positive note, potty training her has been a breeze. She has been so good at that. In fact i am in awe of her cooperation. I really thought it would he difficult but she has been so good. Hopefully shge'll soon out grow this stage so we can do more fun stuff together.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Hi all

How was your April fool's day? I had lots of laughs coz i really fooled people.

I started with my hubby. He had been away on a job and to return April 1st. He called me around 8.30 am that he was almost in town. As i picked the phone, i feigned pain and he immediately perceived there was something wrong. I told him i had fallen down the stairs and sprained my ankle that a church member had to take me to the clinic where i got a cast on. He was so upset and was just fretting. I told him i couldn't reach him when it happened. It was so hilarious to hear him so frantic. Anyway i finally gave up and called him April fool. He didn't laugh but i had a good one.

I later called my brother in-law in Texas. He is my buddy and i always confide in him. Anyway i told him i had something to tell him that i hadn't even told my hubby. He immediately screamed and asked if i was pregnant again. I said yes almost in tears coz i have 3 kids under four and i am not ready for another one. He went on to admonish me on the blessing of kids. He went on and on until i had to stop him. He was so upset that i got him but we had a good laugh.

I called my mum in naija and told her the same pregnancy story. She shouted and called me a rabbit(as in over fertile). She was in awe coz i have a 7 month old baby and i am on the injection. She was just ranting on about how hard it will be, who will help me, etc. When i told her the truth she was so happy coz she knows how hard it has been for me and she also knows my Dad would have flipped. We had a really good laugh.

I really had fun fooling my loved ones. Share yours with me coz i always love a good gag.
