Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Hi all,

I am so unhappy today. I mentioned earlier that my hubby and son are away for a wedding. It turns out that my son is ill right now. He has an infection in his throat and has loss of appetite. I feel so helpless coz i am not there to hold and comfort him. I never really felt comfortable about my son being away from me for so long but i just decided to let go.

Men don't understand that children(especially at a very young age) need their mothers. I am so crestfallen and mad at myself for not following my motherly instinct and insisting that they come home earlier.

Our instinct is God given and i think it should guide us in making good decisions. I usually am one to succumb to it but i don't know why i slacked this time. I just can't wait to see my baby.

We learn everyday and what i have taken from this experience is to follow my instinct and always look out for my children first before satisfying any other desire.



Anonymous said...

Hey Dear,
How is your son? Don't blame your self about the decision you made to let him go for the wedding. He would have had the infection with you too, I know the hard part of it was not being there to comfort him and take care of him like only you could.
I am sure ur hubby did a great job.
You have made great decisions in the past and you will continue to make them and hey sometimes ones not so great,but don't beat yourself well.
Take care and hope you feel much better

mum said...

thanks dees mum