Friday, April 4, 2008


Hi all,

My hubby and son have been out of town for a wedding and i have been miserable. I call them every other hour to check up on my son. I really miss him. I thought i would have some peace at home since one of my kids is not home but this has apparently made my daughter more restless. She has no one to fight or play with so she is just all over the place and making me so miserable.

She is 2 and that age is tagged "terrible 2s". I think the word terrible is an understatement coz my daughter is beyond that. I have never come across a child with so much energy. She doesn't walk she runs. She is a climber, a cry baby, a little bully, you name it. The girl is just too animated. Sometimes its so cute to see her all about but it can be overbearing.

Experts have described this stage as one of the most difficult and i agree. I try to indulge her in games, books, etc but her attention span is like 30 secs. The only thing that will keep her seated for 15minutes is her favourite show Dora the explorer. I have tons of episodes recorded for her but i feel so guilty that she is watching so much TV.

My baby girl is so so cute but when she starts throwing her numerous tantrums i barely see the cuteness. I can't wait for her to out grow this stage. It is so hard to keep up with her. Meal times are the most arduous for me. She barely eats so i practically have to force her. The only thing she likes ironically is pounded yam but i can't give her that all the time.

On a positive note, potty training her has been a breeze. She has been so good at that. In fact i am in awe of her cooperation. I really thought it would he difficult but she has been so good. Hopefully shge'll soon out grow this stage so we can do more fun stuff together.


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