Saturday, May 10, 2008


Hey all,

Long time no blog. My hubby and i have been under the weather. It has been very bad. It started with a throat and ear infection, we were not really alarmed coz we thought it would just pass. It quickly escalated to a very bad cough so we had to go see the doctor. We were both put on antibiotics. We were so helpless coz the infection came with a fever but couldn't take a well deserved break coz we have 3 little kids to care for.

We knew without words spoken that we had to booster each other and take turns in caring for the kids. The hardest part for me was getting up in the morning after a restless night of coughing to tend to three well rested and energetic kids.

Anyway as at yesterday we started feeling better. The pain was less and we had gained back some energy. After my hubby had a shower in the morning, i too quickly jumped into the shower coz my kids were watching their favorite show. When i got out my hubby was still dressing up; he saw me and said "wow u still look so sexy after 3 kids". It was good to hear that from him. I knew what was next and i embraced it after days of being sick. We both needed that coz we felt better all day. I guess Marvin Gaye was right. Sexual healing beats any antibiotic.



Anonymous said...

:)it is always nice to hear such things, I pray your love and attraction to each other continues to grow and wax stronger!

mum said...

thanks dees mum, May urs too