Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Hi all,

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter celebration. I just want to use this medium to thank God for his faithfulness in my life. My hubby and i had the most traumatic experience of our lives last night. My two toddlers share a room and have a bunk bed. The top bed is like a crib; very well protected so we know it is safe. My eldest son who is three sleeps at the top bed while my daughter 2, sleeps below. We put the kids to bed around 7.45pm last night and about 15 minutes later we could still hear them chatting. My hubby actually went downstairs to tell them to go to sleep.

We then settled in to watch Big Brother9(TV show). We suddenly heard a big thud like something fell. I was alarmed and told my hubby to check it out. I immediately heard my hubby screaming my son's name and he wasn't responding. I honestly do not know how i got down the stairs. I was screaming hysterically coz i couldn't hear my son. I got to his room and saw him laying flat on his back barely moving and whimpering. He had apparently fallen off his bed while trying to take his soft toy from his sister. It all looked like a scene in a movie. It was like i was not there and it wasn't real. He looked contorted and his jaw looked broken. I felt dead and it was like the blood in my veins frooze. My hubby's voice snapped me out of my trance, screaming "call 911, call 911".

I dialed 911 but could barely express myself. I was just too hysterical. My hubby had to finish the call. The medics came like 10 minutes later but it felt like a million hours later. By then my son was responding more to us and he didn't look that bad anymore. Our main concern was that he could have sustained an internal injury but after all the tests ran on him it was determined he was ok. We were told to keep and eye on him for about an hour and they told us signs to watch out for.

My son later went to bed with me. I could barely sleep all night. I just kept on watching him and thanking God for keeping him safe. It could have been worse. I now have a renewed appreciation for parents coping with kids with disabilities, severe accidents, etc. May God give them the fortitude to go on.

My son is doing well and back to his normal self. I really thank God



Marin said...

Wow! Thank God for his faithfulness. Is there no guard rail on the top bunk?

You have a nice blog.

Anonymous said...

OMG! My heart was racing as i read. Thank God for His mercies. He says our children are for signs and wonders, trust me... God watches over children. Thank God!

soki said...

I was almost collapsing as i was reading.Thank God he is fine and healthy.I will talk to you later.

Lily said...

Thank God for his loving mercies. You are really a mum and the story sent the message that a mum will always be a mum. Always loving, always protecting her little ones. I am happy your son is doing well now. Are you going to do away with the bunk beds?

mum said...

I have seperated the beds. I will never make that mistake again

Unknown said...

Oluwa Oluwa wa
Oruko re tini niyin to
Ni gbogbo aye
Oruko re ti niyin to

God is faithful indeed.
We serve a mighty God
He has never failed
and he will never fail

I thank God on your family's behalf.

Anonymous said...

I thank God for your son's health and life.

I just argued with my hubby about the bunk bed he bought when his mum came. He said it's for when our kids grow up. FOR WHAT? I've always hated them. They're dangerous and i've heard some horror stories.

Better safe than sorry.

Praise God. He is great. We will always trust him.

Thanks for sharing your story.


Anonymous said...

My Goodness, I thank God he is okay, Hope is is feeling better and you guys are too, I am sure it was a very traumatic experience.
Take care,