Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Hey all,

Long time no blog(lol). The weather is so great here; i am really blithe. Winter can be very depressing. My kids and i can now go out without all the excess clothing. We just wear our colourful clothes and look fabulous.

Talking about looking fabulous, anytime i want to go to the store or just run an errand my hubby always wonders why i get all dressed up. I believe that i should always look good even if i am going down the road. I don't have to look like a slob coz i am a stay at home mum. I make sure i look fabulous when ever i am stepping out coz you never know who you'll run into and when i look good, i feel good and that sets my mood for the day.

Most stay at home mums like myself just give up on themselves. Its not easy i know. I found myself in a rut too sometime ago. I felt completely jaded. I just didn't see the need to try. I live in a small town with little or no social activity and i didn't really go out much so i just didn't see the need to be a fashionista. I had a change of heart when i saw a picture my hubby and i took together. I looked older than him even though he is 5yrs older than me. It hit me that we were becoming my parents. My dad is 9 yrs older than my mum but they look the same age. Child bearing and rearing can really take its toll on a woman. Its so unfair that women have to age faster than men. Anyway I immediately made a conscious decision to change my attitude.

Now i take a shower in the mornings instead of staying in my pyjamas all day. I make sure i always look well put together even when i am just home. I basically changed my attitude in and out and i feel much more confident and happy. In recent pictures i look like the baby my hubby cradle snatched ten years ago(lol). I secretly can't wait for my hubby to be bald so people will ask if he is my father(he'll kill me when he sees this).

I am ready for summer with a new disposition and i can't wait to have all the fun with my family.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This post made me take a good look at myself as a mum, stuck in a rut.

Thanks. Your posts are inspiring.

Bimbola, London.