Friday, January 25, 2008



I am a stay at home mum , married for 6 years with three kids. I am Nigerian but currently reside in Canada. To sum it all up, "its not easy". Its not easy to be married, to be a mum and to live in a foreign land where i am surrounded by all sorts of bias. I have been strong so far handling all life has handed me with equanimity but its not easy. My kids are ages 3,2 and 5 months old(i can almost hear you gasp). To say i am overloaded is putting it mildly. And to add to that load, is the overwhelming expectation of perfection from friends and family. I am sick of it! Life is not perfect and i don't think we should be ashamed to acknowledge our weakness and struggles as mothers and wives.

You know it would have been perfect if our mums had lectured us on how arduous marriage and motherhood really is instead of nagging us to get married and start having babies the moment we say i do. At least then we would have made informed decisions. Truth is i am grateful for my life, my marriage and kids but i am just saying the reality is so far from what most of us expected.

I have created this blog to let it all out. To document my challenges as a wife and mum. I know there are alot of people like me out there and i hope you will share yours too.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just came across your blog, and have really enjoyed it. Keep writing, I feel you about being a mother abroad, u are OYO!! for real!! I only have a kid and its not easy and cannot not imagine with three, anyways the Lord is our strength and he is in control.
Take care, I will be back